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Create a Unique College Dorm Room

Enhancing College Room D้cor with a Tabletop Fountain

Most college dorms are small, dark, and boring. Students heading off to college often arrive only to feel disappointed in the lack of luster found in their new home. Although dorms are small that does not mean they have to be boring. Even with limited space, college dorms can be enhanced using a number of tips such as something simple as a tabletop fountain. In this article, we will provide you with some great ways to make a college dorm feel more than home.

Typically, a dorm room is used primarily for sleeping and studying but this space is also where students get dressed, meet friends, eat, and more so the space needs to be created in an efficient way. The best option is to make the dorm room functional by creating separate spaces. For instance, students will need room for a bed, study space, which could be done at a desk, on a couch, or oversized chair, countertop space for small kitchen appliances and of course food.

Yes, each of these spaces will be small but if set up right, they can also be functional. When decorating a dorm room, students need to always, put comfort in the forefront of the mind. Therefore, before they start adding artwork, lamps, table top or floor standing fountains, and other items, it would be wise to invest in several plastic containers that can store items under the bed, in the floor of the closet, and even on the floor, doubling as a coffee table or end table. Some great tips to help organize a dorm include:

Shoe Rack – Choose one that hangs on the back of the door, freeing up closet floor space that could be used for other items.

Collapsible Wire Shelves – A great option is choosing a 24x12x8-inch shelving system, which holds tons of things such as books, CDs, makeup, food, etc.

Television Attachment – If the dorm will allow it, you might also consider putting the small television set on a stand mounted to the wall/ceiling. Again, you make the room more functional by freeing up other space.

Hooks – You can purchase removable, stick on hooks for a few dollars at home improvement stores, hardware stores, and retail stores, which are great for coats, robes, and towels.

Trunks – Footlocker type trunks are perfect for storing blankets, shoes, linens, and similar items. Best of all, they stack. The surface could be used as a table if needed.

Once all of these spaces have been carefully organized, decorative items that will add personality could be added. Again, it is important to set the room up so it functions first. From there, students could look around for space that needs some character. For example, they might find that an open corner needs something unique. In this instance, a small, floor standing fountain would be ideal, although this space might also look great with a plant or towering bookcase. Some of these ideas include:

Artwork - Walls can then have artwork added, which would be great for bringing color into the room.

Decorative Shelving - Even decorative shelving might be a great consideration to use wall space but again, in a functional way. Typically, desktop, countertop, or other workspace is crowded.

Fountain - Students might even find they have a small enough space where a table top fountain could be placed. In addition to being a great decorative item, fountains are also beneficial in that they help reduce stress while drowning out unwanted noise.

Comforter - Small dorm rooms can also be enhanced with something as simple as a comforter and pillows. With this, students can choose what fits their personality, bringing some life into an otherwise dull space.

Beds - Now, if possible, choose beds that provide space underneath where clothing, books, food, and other items could be stored. In fact, if two students share a dorm, bunk beds might be an excellent way to create comfortable sleeping space while freeing up other space.

With this open room, the options for decorative items would be even greater. Again, a floor standing fountain could enhance one part of the room, oversized pillows might be placed on the floor for extra seating, or a table for stereo equipment could be added. With a little creativity and organization, students are often amazed at just how homey a dorm room can be. In most cases, as long as the rules and regulations of the school are followed, students can do all kinds of things to decorate the room. In fact, some schools will actually allow students to paint walls!

Just keep in mind that while living in the dorm room, students often have carte blanch when it comes to decorating, at least to some degree. However, at the end of the school year, students would be expected and required to return the dorm room back to its original state. For instance, if a student were allowed to paint color on the walls, he or she should also be prepared to repaint the walls to the original white. The nice thing about using artwork, plants, and even floor standing fountains is that students simply take them home when done, enjoying them there.

Probably the greatest challenge when it comes to decorating a dorm room is if roommates are involved, they may not agree. While this is frustrating, the two individuals will need to come to a meeting of the minds, choosing decorative items and colors that both can agree on. Just remember that many items are easily accepted by roommates such as plants, posters, and even table top fountains. It is important that students work together, choosing designs, sizes, and styles that they can both live with, making their experience at college a positive one.

About the Author: Garth Epp has been fascinated by allure and mystery of moving water and how it can used within our living spaces to create a unique, stunning and relaxing atmosphere. Through this fascination, an information based website introducing visitors to the wonder of indoor fountains, was born.
